Link identifier #identifier__57068-1Calendar of exams for 2024
The exam can be taken:
- at our Link identifier #identifier__122490-2accredited exam centers.
In this case, for registration and payment, you must contact the chosen exam center. - at our headquarters in Rome – Via Ostiense, 123-129.
- In this case, you must follow the following registration procedure:
- Link identifier #identifier__192618-3Registrazione al Portale
- Accedere alla Link identifier #identifier__121978-4piattaforma GOMP
- Fill in all the fields and, at the end, click on the “Proceed” button and wait for the confirmation message.
- You will receive an email with your personal access credentials (username and password) to use for registration.
- It is advisable to print and keep the issued credentials. Portal registration does not guarantee registration for the test. You must complete the procedure with reservation and payment.
- Link identifier #identifier__192941-5Prenotazione all’esame
- Effettuare il login nella Link identifier #identifier__152738-6piattaforma
- Enter your username and password and access the “Enrollments and Entrance Tests” section.
- Click on “Language Certification Test” and choose “Test Registration”.
- Once you have identified the exam, click on the “Book” button. The reservation is not valid for notices that specify “Reserved for Exam Centers”.
In the “Attachments” section, attach a digital copy in PDF format of your identity document or passport (if you have an identity card, also attach the cover indicating the document number and expiration date) and your tax code, clearly legible.
- Then complete the reservation by paying the exam fee: From the main page of your Reserved Area, click on “Fees and Contributions” and then on “Payments”. Select either direct payment with the PagoPA system or download the bulletin to print. You can also pay at a tobacco shop. Payment must be made within the deadline, otherwise the reservation will be forfeited. To register for exams, follow only the indicated procedure: other methods will not be accepted, and no refunds will be made. Those who need to register for a single section are requested to contact Link identifier for payment instructions.
Below are the registration fees for each level and section where they can be taken separately.
A1: €35
A2: €40
B1: €80
B2: €140 (Listening and Reading: €80; Writing: €30; Speaking: €30)
C1: €200 (Listening: €40; Reading: €40; Writing: €40; Italian Uses and Forms: €40; Speaking: €40)
C2: €200 (Listening: €40; Reading: €40; Writing: €40; Italian Uses and Forms: €40; Speaking: €40)
Detailed information about the exam is available on the pages dedicated to each competency level:
- Link identifier #identifier__180144-8Livello A1: livello di contatto
- Link identifier #identifier__132643-9Livello A2: livello di sopravvivenza
- Link identifier #identifier__114656-10Livello B1: livello soglia
- Link identifier #identifier__39993-11Livello B2: livello dell’autonomia
- Link identifier #identifier__53088-12Livello C1: livello dell’efficacia
- Link identifier #identifier__106753-13Livello C2: livello della padronanza